09:08:31 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #1, PR-2023-008674 has been deferred to April 24th 09:09:27 From Sergio Lozoya, Tierra West : Sergio with Tierra West - I just wanted to thank Jay and planning staff for their comments and for accepting the deferral request. Thank you all. 09:09:40 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #2, PR-2019-002874 has been deferred to April 24th 09:10:20 From SRMNA : Please make clear that item #1 is the proposed development on MIami Road. 09:10:49 From Jolene Wolfley : Yes, Item #1 is 2730 Miami Rd NW 09:11:00 From Jolene Wolfley : It will be heard on 4/24/24. 09:12:10 From Jolene Wolfley : We will start today with Item #3, then proceed to Item #6, and then return to Item #4, 5, 7. 09:12:26 From Jay Rodenbeck : The current case being heard is item #3, PR-2023-008235 09:20:59 From David Gutierrez : Condition for signature from Water Authority: Add the note regarding grant of easements for public water and public sanitary sewer infrastructure as stated in my comment memo: ABCWUA Public Water & Sanitary Sewer Easements Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) is granted easement(s) in the dimensions noted on this plat for the construction, installation, maintenance, repair, modification, replacement and operation of public water and sanitary service lines, equipment and facilities reasonably necessary to provide service together with free access on and over the easement and the right to remove trees, shrubs, undergrowth and any other obstacles, modifications, or structures which interfere with use of the easement. 09:39:59 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #3, PR-2023-008235 has been deferred to April 24th 09:40:37 From Jay Rodenbeck : The current case being heard is item #6, PR-2020-004171 10:13:48 From Hannah Aulick : An Infrastructure List was not submitted with the Sketch Plat. 10:25:39 From Hannah Aulick : An Infrastructure List was not submitted with any of the Sketch Plats 10:42:09 From Jay Rodenbeck : For item #6, PR-2020-004171, SD-2024-00059 has been withdrawn by the agent for the application, and VA-2024-00096 and VA-2024-00098 have been approved. 10:46:21 From Jolene Wolfley : Staff requests a 15 minute break as we change Hearing Officers. 11:03:09 From Jay Rodenbeck : The current case being heard is item #5, PR-2019-003221 11:12:24 From Marcelo Ibarra :  The application number must be added to the Plat.  Per 6-6(K)(2)(k), The date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Final Plat, and verification of compliance with conditions of approval shall be dated and verified by the signatures of the required commenting agencies pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-4(J)(2).  After acceptance of the Plat application, DXF approval from AGIS must be obtained.  After DHO approval and final sign off, a recorded copy of the plat must be sent to the Jay Rodenbeck at jrodenbeck@cabq.gov and Angela Gomez at agomez@cabq.gov (should the Plat be approved by the DHO). 11:15:07 From Angela Gomez : Item #5, PR-2019-003221 has been approved 11:15:40 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is item #4, PR-2023-008957 11:20:46 From Robert Webb : -- The Project and Application numbers must added to the plat before final sign-off. -- The AGIS DXF approval must be submitted before final sign-off. -- The date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Plat, per 6-6(L)(2)(d)(7) of the IDO. 11:22:26 From Angela Gomez : Item #4, PR-2023-008957 has been approved. 11:25:37 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is item #7, PR-2023-008085 11:29:29 From David Gutierrez : Conditions for Water Authority approval for final plat: Add following note (also noted in my comments memo): ABCWUA Public Water & Sanitary Sewer Easements Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) is granted perpetual, exclusive easement(s) in gross in the dimensions noted on this plat for the construction, installation, maintenance, repair, modification, replacement and operation of public water and sanitary lines, equipment and facilities reasonably necessary to provide service together with free access on and over the easement and the right to remove trees, shrubs, undergrowth and any other obstacles, modifications, or structures which interfere with use of the easement. 11:30:33 From Hannah Aulick : PR-2023-008085 Planning Conditions of approval: -Project and application numbers must be added to the Final Plat. -The City’s AGIS office must approve the DXF file for the Final Plat. -The date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Final Plat. -The granted waivers shall be placed on the Final Plat. 11:30:41 From David Gutierrez : Also add language on note 10 to state public water and public sanitary sewer as well note that there is an exclusive easement for water and sewer... if this cannot be done we will need to discuss language prior to final plat approval. 11:33:51 From Angela Gomez : Item #7, PR-2023-008085 has been approved