09:12:02 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #5, PR-2023-008674 has been deferred to May 8th 09:12:27 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #6, PR-2021-005714 has been deferred to June 26th 09:12:35 From Jolene Wolfley to Angela Gomez(Direct Message) : Can you let David Campbell know that #6 is deffered to June 26, 2024? 09:14:19 From Angela Gomez to Jolene Wolfley(Direct Message) : Current case being heard: Item #1_PR-2023-008235 09:14:37 From Angela Gomez : Current case being heard: Item #1_PR-2023-008235 09:18:45 From Angela Gomez to Jolene Wolfley(Direct Message) : I sent the deferral information for item #6 to David Campbell per your request. 09:23:48 From Hannah Aulick : Planning Conditions of approval PR-2023-008235 § An updated plat sheet addressing the Planning comments must be submitted to the DFT staff. § *Please add this note to the plat. This Plat and future platting actions as well as future site development must meet the standards of the AA-Minor Amendment, PR-2023-008235/SI-2023-01455, which was approved by the Zoning Enforcement Officer on 11/6/23, along with previous governing Site Plan approvals as well as standards from the IDO/DPM where the AA and any previous governing Site Plan approvals are silent. § A completed and recorded IIA-Infrastructure Improvements Agreement must be submitted, Prior to final sign-off of the Plat 09:23:58 From Hannah Aulick : § The Project and Application numbers must be added to the plat before final sign-off. § The AGIS office must approve the DXF file and proof of approval must be provided prior to final sign-off of the plat. The date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Plat, per 6-6(L)(2)(d)(7) of the IDO. § Any granted waivers/determinations must be noted on the plat. 09:24:31 From Hannah Aulick : Landscape Buffer Waiver request along Buena Vista Drive complies with 6-6(P)(3) of the IDO 09:24:39 From Hannah Aulick : c. The established neighborhood character or landscaping on the site would be damaged to a degree that outweighs the public interest in the City’s normal technical standards in that location. 09:24:47 From Hannah Aulick : 2. The Waiver will not be materially contrary to the public safety, health, or welfare. 3. The Waiver does not cause significant material adverse impacts on surrounding properties. 09:26:03 From Angela Gomez : Item #1_PR-2023-008235 has been approved. 09:28:47 From David Gutierrez : Condition: To add the following note to the cover of the plat prior to signature: ABCWUA Public Water & Sanitary Sewer Easements Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) is granted easement(s) in the dimensions noted on this plat for the construction, installation, maintenance, repair, modification, replacement and operation of public water and sanitary service lines, equipment and facilities reasonably necessary to provide service together with free access on and over the easement and the right to remove trees, shrubs, undergrowth and any other obstacles, modifications, or structures which interfere with use of the easement. 09:33:19 From Angela Gomez : Current case being heard: Item #2_PR-2020-004747 09:34:22 From Jolene Wolfley to Angela Gomez(Direct Message) : It might be nice to give the address on the case as the public recently commented that they do not know the PR numbers very well. 09:43:57 From Hannah Aulick : Planning Conditions of approval PR-2020-004747 § A recorded IIA for the Site Plan Administrative DFT case will be required before final sign off of the plat. § Project and application numbers must be added to the Plat. § Signatures from Utility companies (NM Gas, PNM electric services) need to be obtained on the plat. § DXF File must be approved by AGIS office before final sign-off of the Plat. § The date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the plat. § Any granted determinations must be noted on the plat. 09:45:30 From Angela Gomez : Item #2_PR-2020-004747 has been approved. 09:48:19 From Angela Gomez : Current case being heard: Item #3_PR-2020-004024 09:55:13 From David Gutierrez : Conditions for Water Authority: Add the following notes to the plat - “Existing public water and/or sanitary sewer infrastructure may not be constructed or sized to adequately serve potential future development. Improvement or upsizing of existing public infrastructure may be required as a condition of future development approval.“ ABCWUA Public Water & Sanitary Sewer Easements Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) is granted easement(s) in the dimensions noted on this plat for the construction, installation, maintenance, repair, modification, replacement and operation of public water and sanitary service lines, equipment and facilities reasonably necessary to provide service together with free access on and over the easement and the right to remove trees, shrubs, undergrowth and any other obstacles, modifications, or structures which interfere with use of the easement. Also add dimensions for easement 24 in the keyed note. 09:57:29 From Marcelo Ibarra : The Vacation of private Easement meets the following criteria: 6-6(M)(3)(a) The public welfare does not require that the easement, private way, or public right-of-way be retained. 6-6(M)(3)(b) There is a net benefit to the public welfare because the development made possible by the Vacation is clearly more beneficial to the public welfare than the minor detriment resulting from the Vacation, and there is no convincing evidence that any substantial property right is being abridged against the will of the owner of the right. 09:58:53 From Marcelo Ibarra : Planning Conditions of Approval PR-2020-004024 The application number must be added to the Plat. The AGIS office must approve the DXF file and proof of approval must be provided prior to final sign-off of a plat. The date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Plat, per 6-6(K)(2)(k) of the IDO. 10:00:42 From Angela Gomez : Item #3_PR-2020-004024 has been approved. 10:05:29 From Angela Gomez : Current case being heard: Item #4_PR-2023-008197 10:19:57 From Jacob Boylan : Planning conditions of approval… § the project and application numbers must be added to the Plat. § Prior to final sign-off of the plat, the AGIS office must approve the DXF file and proof of approval must be provided. § The date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Plat, per 6-6(K)(2)(k) of the IDO. § Any granted waiver/determinations must be noted on the plat 10:21:16 From Angela Gomez : Item #4_PR-2023-008197 has been approved. 10:22:39 From Angela Gomez : Item #5_PR-2023-008674 is deferred to May 8th. 10:22:49 From Angela Gomez : Item #6_PR-2021-005714 is deferred to June 26th. 10:22:58 From Angela Gomez : Current case being heard: Item #7_PR-2019-002874 10:42:48 From Jay Rodenbeck : Planning conditions of approval: 10:42:58 From Jay Rodenbeck : The Project and Application numbers must added to the Plat 10:43:28 From Jay Rodenbeck : a recorded Infrastructure Improvements Agreement (IIA) based on the IL must be submitted prior to final sign-off of the Plat 10:43:42 From Jay Rodenbeck : A copy of the AGIS-approved DXF file must be submitted prior to the final sign-off of the Plat 10:43:42 From Angela Gomez : Item #7_PR-2019-002874 has been approved. 10:44:41 From Jay Rodenbeck : Determination amended to include require trees to be planted 25-feet on center along the sidewalk on Eagle Ranch Road by creating 2-foot cut-outs within the 6-foot sidewalk.