12:03:51 From Jay Rodenbeck : The current case being heard is item #6, PR-2023-008842 12:14:41 From Jay Rodenbeck : Planning conditions of approval: 12:14:57 From Jay Rodenbeck : DXF file and proof of approval must be provided prior to final sign-off of the Plat 12:15:06 From Jay Rodenbeck : The application number must be added to the Plat 12:15:23 From Jay Rodenbeck : The date of the DHO approval must be added to the Plat 12:15:58 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #6, PR-2023-008842 has been approved 12:16:32 From Jay Rodenbeck : The current case being heard is item #7, PR-2023-008999 12:25:00 From David Gutierrez : Water Authority Condition: Ensure that a public water and sanitary sewer easement is granted at the east end of proposed Solar Way to allow access to public water and public sanitary sewer infrastructure for existing Tract 11. 12:30:52 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #7, PR-2023-008999 has been deferred to March 13th