09:09:04 From Mike Lopez : I would like to speak/ask a question regarding the Kimmick development. 09:09:19 From Mike Lopez : Whenever the time is appropriate. 09:09:50 From Mike Voorhees : I would like to speak on PR-2019-002663 AKA PR-2022- 007712 on behalf of WSCONA. 09:09:58 From Jolene Wolfley : You will be allowed to ask a question when this case is called and the DHO asks for public comment. 09:12:11 From Mike Voorhees : No objection from WSCONA. 09:13:07 From Angela Gomez : The case currently being reviewed is item #1_PR-2022-007712 (aka PR-2022-007712) located on Paseo Del Norte NW and Kimmick Dr NW 09:14:25 From Angela Gomez : **correction PR-2022-007712 (aka PR-2019-002663) 09:18:02 From Jolene Wolfley : This is the time to comment or ask a question on this case. Please raise your hand or unmute and make us aware of your interest to speak. 09:19:01 From Mike Lopez : I dont have audio but would like to ask a simple question regarding the height of all of the development, including the apartments. I know several neighbors in the area are concerned about blocking the view of the Sandias. 09:19:36 From Jolene Wolfley : Okay, we will get to your question in a moment. 09:19:46 From Mike Lopez : Thank you. 09:20:11 From Jay Rodenbeck : Mr. Lopez, I have made you a co-host, so you should have both video and audio 09:21:10 From Mike Lopez : I am remoting in and will not be able to speak on my current computer configuration. 09:21:37 From Jolene Wolfley : Okay, I can raise your question for you. 09:22:10 From Mike Lopez : Also, will Valiente street run all the way to Calle Plata or will the road be walled off? 09:23:52 From Mike Lopez : The apartment development also seems to be very close to a nice, quiet, uninterrupted neighborhood. Several concerns regarding this issue. 09:26:33 From Mike Lopez : Thank you. 09:28:45 From Mike Lopez : can you please maximize the screen? 09:45:44 From Mike Voorhees : No notice was given on that DHO approval. 09:47:34 From Mike Voorhees : A previous prior final plat that was approved by a different DHO was rejected by the LUHO, but no action on his recommendation was made as the applicant withdrew the request. 09:49:40 From Mike Voorhees : My I cross examine? 09:50:26 From Mike Voorhees : Correction: May I cross examine? 09:55:55 From Mike Lopez : Thank you, this elaborates on my question. 09:57:25 From Mike Lopez : I am concerned about the thru traffic on Vlaliente as i own a parcel in the R-ML zoned region on Calle Plata. 09:59:05 From Whitney Phelan : It notes Valiente on the Infrastructure Agreement as well, Calle Plata to Kimmick Dr. 10:05:23 From Mike Lopez : Page 10 of 107 on the application shows a proposed retaining wall that runs all the way down from Paseo to Rosa Parks. This would presume that Valiente would be walled off from Calle Plata. I am seeking further clarification on this matter. 10:15:39 From Mike Lopez : Correct 10:22:57 From Mike Lopez : Do you mind clarifying those comments and addressing the lots? 10:23:05 From Mike Lopez : The lots are listed on the screen. 10:27:21 From Jolene Wolfley : § The Project and Application numbers must be added to the plat before final sign-off. § A copy of the AGIS-approved DXF file must be submitted prior to the final sign-off of the Plat. § Per 6-6(L)(2)(d)(7) of the IDO, the date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Plat. 10:27:42 From David Gutierrez : Condition of approval: Confirm Infrastructure List items are correct to serve the entire site and provide an additional private easement for proposed lot 1A5 such that every lot has access to public water and public sanitary sewer infrastructure through coordination with the Water Authority. 10:30:21 From Mike Voorhees : For the record, as a documented interested party regarding subdivision of the parcels in question, I received no Notice prior to the February 7, DHO Hearing. Given the AC-23-14 Appeal LUHO Proposed decision, this was highly inappropriate. 10:33:50 From Angela Gomez : Item #1_PR-2022-007712 (aka PR-2019-002663) has been approved 10:34:45 From Angela Gomez : The case currently being reviewed is item #2_PR-2024-010457 located at 600 Coors Blvd NW 10:46:46 From Angela Gomez : Item #2_PR-2024-010457 has been deferred to June 26, 2024 10:47:02 From Angela Gomez : The case currently being reviewed is item #3_PR-2024-010462 located at 210 Candelaria Rd NW 10:55:01 From Angela Gomez : Item #3_PR-2024-010462 has been deferred to June 26, 2024 10:55:10 From Kate Novinc : Raise hand as homeowner for #4 case PR-2024-010464 10:55:21 From Angela Gomez : The case currently being reviewed item #4_PR-2024-010464 located at 4901 Glenwood Hills Dr NE 11:08:44 From Kate Novinc : Raise hand 11:11:16 From Angela Gomez : Item #4_PR-2024-010464 has been deferred to June 26, 2024 11:12:21 From Robert Fierro : Can the host please show my camera 11:12:28 From Angela Gomez : The case currently being reviewed item #5_PR-2020-004171 located at 12300 San Antonio Dr 11:34:06 From Hannah Aulick : Planning Conditions of approval Agenda item #5: PR-2020-004171: § The date of the DHO approval mut be noted on the plat. § All granted waivers and approved vacations of easement must be noted on the plat by project and application number. 11:34:23 From Jay Rodenbeck : Tiequan, please put any conditions in the chat 11:34:32 From Tiequan Chen : Pending on conceptual g&d plan approval. 11:34:58 From Jolene Wolfley : The previously approved waiver should be noted on the plat. 11:35:03 From Jay Rodenbeck : Planning: IL must be signed by AMAFCA 11:37:24 From Angela Gomez : Item #5_PR-2020-004171 has been approved 11:37:58 From Angela Gomez : The case currently being reviewed item #6_PR-2024-009917 located at 531 Silver Creek Rd NW 12:11:01 From Ernest Armijo : Condition for approval of Transportation: Submission of application for deferral of sidewalk. 12:12:33 From Jay Rodenbeck : Planning conditions of approval: 12:14:09 From Jay Rodenbeck : Shared Parking Agreement between the two lots to access parking on Lot 21-A-1 for the proposed commercial development on Tract L-1-B-1-A-1 12:14:46 From Jay Rodenbeck : A DHO Determination letter and exhibits must be submitted for the existing 6-foot wide landscape buffer along Unser 12:15:10 From Jay Rodenbeck : project and application numbers must be added to the Plat 12:15:23 From Jay Rodenbeck : DXF file approval from AGIS must be submitted 12:15:36 From Jay Rodenbeck : Date of DHO approval must be added to the Plat 12:15:46 From Jay Rodenbeck : DHO Determination must be added to the Plat 12:16:02 From Jay Rodenbeck : Recorded IIA must be submitted