09:08:11 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #8, PR-2019-002874 has been deferred to April 10th 09:10:03 From Jay Rodenbeck : The current case being heard is item #1, PR-2024-009995 10:04:36 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #1, PR-2024-009995 has been denied 10:07:38 From Jay Rodenbeck : The current case being heard is item #2, PR-2021-005606 10:18:28 From Ernest Armijo : Condition of approval that the IIA be signed and approved by City Engineer 10:21:11 From Jay Rodenbeck : Planning conditions of approval: 10:22:15 From Jay Rodenbeck : The application number must be added to the Plat. The date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Final Plat. DXF approval from AGIS must be obtained. 10:24:54 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #2, PR-2021-005606 has been approved 10:25:51 From Jay Rodenbeck : The current case being heard is item #3, PR-2020-004596 10:35:03 From Hannah Aulick : Planning Comment PR-2020-004596: This request complies with 6-4(X)(4)(a): The applicant has submitted a written request before the expiration of the original permit and the decision is being made by the same decision-making body as the initial approval. Should the DHO approve this extension, 1 extension of validity will be granted and this Preliminary Plat shall be valid until April 11, 2025. 10:37:53 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #3, PR-2020-004596 has been approved 10:39:15 From Jay Rodenbeck : The current case being heard is item #4, PR-2023-009688 10:50:24 From Jay Rodenbeck : Do any members of the public want to speak on the current case? 10:53:53 From Ernest Armijo : Condition for approval that there is a 4' clear path around any obstructions in the sidewalk. 11:01:30 From Jay Rodenbeck : Planning conditions of approval: 11:01:43 From Jay Rodenbeck : The Application number must added to the plat 11:01:54 From Jay Rodenbeck : AGIS office must approve the DXF file and proof of approval must be provided 11:02:07 From Jay Rodenbeck : The date of the DHO approval must be added to the Plat 11:03:29 From Jay Rodenbeck : The Waivers shall expire at the time that the existing building fronting along Central is demolished or proposed to be demolished as well as when a Site Plan for future development is submitted. 11:06:58 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #4, PR-2023-009688 has been approved 11:08:16 From Jay Rodenbeck : The current case being heard is item #5, PR-2023-008608 11:14:37 From Robert Webb : Home was constructed in 2020 11:19:05 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #5, PR-2023-008608 has been approved 11:31:42 From Jay Rodenbeck : The current case being heard is item #6, PR-2023-008235 11:39:16 From David Gutierrez : Condition prior to final signature for Water Authority: A survey exhibit to be provided showing the alignments of the public water and public sanitary sewer infrastructure running through the site along with the proposed easements as shown on the proposed plat. 11:56:13 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #6, PR-2023-008609 has been deferred to April 10th 11:56:49 From Jay Rodenbeck : *CORRECTION: Item #6, PR-2023-008235 has been deferred to April 10th 11:57:44 From Jay Rodenbeck : The current case being heard is item #7, PR-2023-008609 12:11:20 From David Gutierrez : Water Authority Condition: Spot the well collector line running along the south property boundary of the subject platted area and identify any existing easements or grant one as necessary with the proposed preliminary/final plat. Additionally, an exhibit to be provided showing the survey location and any existing or proposed easements that house the mentioned waterline. 12:13:32 From Robert Webb : --The Project and Application numbers must added to the plat before final sign-off. --Prior to final sign-off of the plat, the AGIS office must approve the DXF file and proof of approval must be provided. --The date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Plat, per 6-6(L)(2)(d)(7) of the IDO. 12:14:06 From Robert Webb : Infrastructure List must be signed by Parks and Recreation Director before final sign-of. 12:14:12 From Robert Webb : off 12:17:39 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #7, PR-2023-008609 has been approved. 12:18:22 From Jay Rodenbeck : The current case being heard is item #10, PR-2019-002089 12:22:41 From Jay Rodenbeck : DFT Staff: please note that the Infrastructure List approved with the Preliminary/Final Plat for PR-2021-005606 as well as the Preliminary/Final Plat for PR-2023-008608 have been distributed for your signatures. Neither document have any conditions of approval. 12:24:24 From Jacob Boylan : Code Enforcement condition- Code Enforcement recommends that a note on the plat is added indicating the Variances were obtained. 12:25:49 From Hannah Aulick : Planning Conditions of approval PR-2019-002089: - The signature from ABCWUA has not been obtained on Form S. Prior to the approval of the Plat by the DHO - The application number must be added to the Plat - The date of the DHO approval must be added to the Plat. - The City’s AGIS office must approve the DXF file for the Plat - Any Waivers granted that are associated with a subdivision shall be noted on the final plat.