09:04:28 From Angela Gomez : The current case being reviewed is item #1_PR-2024-009976 located at 4010 Carlisle Blvd NE 09:32:01 From Jay Rodenbeck : Finding from Planning: A note must be added to the Plat confirming access to the entrance to the Hahn Arroyo by AMAFCA 09:34:56 From Angela Gomez : Item #1_PR-2024-009976 was recommended for approval by the City Council 09:35:45 From Angela Gomez : The current case being reviewed is item #2_PR-2021-005684 located between Crick Ave SE and Watson Dr SE 09:40:12 From David Gutierrez : Condition for approval for the Water Authority: Add the following note to the proposed plat - ABCWUA Public Water & Sanitary Sewer Easements Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) is granted easement(s) in the dimensions noted on this plat for the construction, installation, maintenance, repair, modification, replacement and operation of public water and sanitary service lines, equipment and facilities reasonably necessary to provide service together with free access on and over the easement and the right to remove trees, shrubs, undergrowth and any other obstacles, modifications, or structures which interfere with use of the easement. 09:44:47 From Robert Webb : --A copy of the AGIS-approved DXF file must be submitted prior to the final sign-off. --The date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Plat, per 6-6(L)(2)(d)(7) of the IDO. --After DHO approval and final sign off, a recorded copy of the Plat must be sent to Jay Rodenbeck at jrodenbeck@cabq.gov and Angela Gomez at agomez@cabq.gov. 09:44:58 From Jay Rodenbeck : Recorded IIA 09:45:50 From Jolene Wolfley, CABQ Planning : The 3rd item from Mr Webb does not need to be listed as a condition. 09:46:08 From Angela Gomez : Item #2_PR-2021-005684 is approved.