09:03:32	 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #4, PR-2019-002874 has been deferred to March 13th
09:04:00	 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #8, PR-2024-009995 has been deferred to March 13th
09:04:24	 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #9, PR-2022-006568 has been deferred to March 13th
09:05:26	 From Jay Rodenbeck : Items #6, PR-2023-008842 and #7, PR-2023-008999 will be heard at 12:00 PM (noon) after a recess.
09:06:00	 From Jay Rodenbeck : The current case being heard is item #1, PR-2023-009527
09:22:51	 From Hannah Aulick : PR-2023-009527 Planning Conditions of approval:

-Application number needs to be added to the Plat. 

-The AGIS office must approve the DXF file 

-Provide a note on the plat that the vacation of easement or public right of way was approved per vacation ordinance 6-6 (M)(3).
09:23:52	 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #1, PR-2023-009527 has been approved
09:25:14	 From Jay Rodenbeck : The current case being heard is item #2, PR-2023-008786
09:30:55	 From Robert Webb :  Add the Application numbers to the plat before final sign-off.

 Add the DHO determination detail to the Plat, if request is approved.

 A copy of the AGIS-approved DXF file must be submitted prior to the final sign-off of the Plat.

 Add the date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Plat.
09:32:01	 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #2, PR-2023-008786 has been approved.
09:33:06	 From Jay Rodenbeck : The current case being heard is item #3, PR-2021-005296
09:38:06	 From Robert Webb :  The Project and Application numbers must be added to the plat before final sign-off.

 A copy of the AGIS-approved DXF file must be submitted prior to the final sign-off of the Plat.

 Add the date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Plat.

 If approved, add the Determination detail to the plat.
09:39:09	 From Jay Rodenbeck : Item #3, PR-2021-005296 has been approved
09:45:41	 From Jay Rodenbeck : Planning conditions of approval:
09:46:28	 From Jay Rodenbeck : The current case being heard is item #4, PR-2023-009609
09:46:37	 From Jay Rodenbeck : Planning conditions of approval:
09:46:53	 From Jay Rodenbeck : The AGIS office must approve the DXF file and proof of approval must be provided prior to final sign-off of the Plat
09:47:12	 From Jay Rodenbeck : The date of the DHO approval must be added to the Plat.
09:49:30	 From Jay Rodenbeck : item #5, PR-2023-009609 has been approved.