09:07:34 From Angela Gomez : Item #2_PR-2021-005479 has been deferred to July 31st. 09:10:14 From Angela Gomez : The current case being reviewed is item #1_PR-2022-007299 located at 7226 Central Ave SW 09:15:11 From Shahab Biazar : Can we have the plat on the screen 09:18:21 From Ernest Armijo : Can we make the new submittal available to staff so I can review it quickly for my comments 09:18:56 From Jay Rodenbeck : I just emailed it to DFT staff 09:22:03 From David Gutierrez : Condition for Water Authority for the current case: Pro Rata must be paid prior to signature and verification that our standard note discussing sizing of infrastructure is included on the plat. 09:36:07 From Robert Webb : --The Project and Application numbers must be added to the plat and IL before final sign-off of the Plat. --A copy of the AGIS-approved DXF file must be submitted prior to the final sign-off. --The date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Plat. --Drainage Ponds must meet Standard Specification 1013 or better. --Plat signatures to be updated and resubmitted. --A copy of the recorded IIA with financial guarantee. 09:39:27 From Robert Webb : Drainage Ponds Standard Specification 1013. See Drainage Ponds Slope Stabilization and Seeding Requirements.pdf (cabq.gov). 09:40:13 From Angela Gomez : item #1_PR-2022-007299 has been approved. 09:41:49 From Angela Gomez : Item #2_PR-2021-005479 has been deferred to July 31st. 09:42:27 From Angela Gomez : The current case being reviewed are items #4 and #5_PR-2018-001579 located at 7500 Indian School Rd 09:52:18 From David Gutierrez : Conditions for final signature from the Water Authority: Add recording information for the existing waterline easement and make a clear delineation between the proposed waterline easement and existing waterline easement. 10:06:28 From Jay Rodenbeck : PR-2018-001579 Comments - 7-17-24 The conditions of approval for the Site Plan Amendment – DRB for PR-2018-001579 / SI-2020-01477 must be met/addressed. The proj. and app. numbers for the Preliminary/Plat for PR-2018-001579 / SD-2024-00112 must be corrected. The Preliminary/Final Plat for PR-2018-001579 / SD-2024-00112 must be renamed from “Parcel E-1-A†to accommodate the amended Preliminary/Final Plat for PR-2018-001579 / SD-2024-00118. New utility, AMAFCA, and City Surveyor signatures must be obtained on the amended Preliminary/Final Plat for PR-2018-001579 / SD-2024-00118 prior to final sign-off of the Plat. The AGIS office must approve the DXF files and proof of approval must be provided. The date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Plats per 6-6(L)(2)(d)(7) of the IDO. A recorded copy of the amended Preliminary/Final Plat for PR-2018-001579 / SD-2024-00118 must be submitted prior to the final sign-off of the Preliminary/Final Plat for PR-2018-001579 / SD-2024-00112. 10:22:43 From Angela Gomez : Items #4 and #5 have been approved. 10:23:03 From Angela Gomez : PR-2018-001579 10:24:04 From Angela Gomez : The current case being reviewed is item #3_PR-2024-009768 located at 10100 Central Ave SW 10:29:14 From David Gutierrez : Condition for Water Authority for the current case: Standard note discussing sizing of infrastructure to be included on the plat prior to final signature. 10:31:18 From Hannah Aulick : PR-2024-009768 Comments - 7-17-24 PR-2024-009768 Planning Conditions of approval: -A recorded IIA with financial guarantee needs to be submitted before the final sign-off of the plat. -Application number must be added to the Final Plat. -The City’s AGIS office must approve the DXF file for the Final Plat. -The date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Final Plat. 10:36:13 From Ernest Armijo : Confirmation of ROW along Central is wide enough to accommodate the sidewalk and landscape buffer is a condition of approval 10:38:49 From Angela Gomez : Item #3_PR-2024-009768 has been approved.