09:04:19 From Jay Rodenbeck : For those in the waiting room, please provide your first and last name in your Zoom title so that you can join the meeting. 09:11:22 From Angela Gomez : Item #3_PR-2021-005479 has been deferred to October 30th, 2024. 09:13:06 From Angela Gomez : The current case being reviewed is item #1_PR-2024-009922 located at 301-309 Cromwell 09:22:20 From David Gutierrez : Condition for Water Authority: Confirm that proposed lot 12B is granted an easement to cross proposed lot 12A for the private water service to access the existing public water meter currently serving the home at 309 Cromwell Ave. Also confirmation that the sanitary sewer service is not in need of an easement as well. 09:22:28 From Jeff Palmer : Comments from Code Enforcement: 09:23:12 From Jeff Palmer : 1. Properties are zoned R-1A and proposed lots must meet all Dimensional standards as per IDO 5-1(C), Table 5-1-1. There are some exceptions to this based on the existing non-conforming lots, structures, and uses. 2. Proposed lot sizes meet the Dimensional standards for lot size and lot width. All required setbacks are met except for the front yard setback for 301 Cromwell Av SE, which is an existing non-conformance. This lot change is not changing nor increasing, and so would be allowed to remain as a non-conforming setback, but must abide by requirements for nonconforming setback, as per IDO 6-8(D)(4). 3. Existing lots and structures on lots are currently nonconforming. The proposed changes do not require a variance, as they vastly decrease the extent of non-conformance, eliminating the non-conformance of the lots and of lot lines crossing through structures on the lots, and meet all requirements of IDO 6-8(E) Nonconforming Lots (excerpt shown below). 09:23:15 From Jeff Palmer : 1. Please be aware that the existing non-conforming use of two single family homes on one residential R-1 lot remains, and is allowed as per IDO 6-8(D)(1). However, any changes/modifications to the structures on that lot may be subject to Zoning Hearing Examiner (ZHE) approval as an expansion of a non-conforming use, as per IDO 6-6(C). The owners are advised to become familiar with sections 6-8(D), 6-8(E), and 6-6(C). 2. Code Enforcement has no further comments and no objections to the proposed re-plat. 09:35:00 From Shahab Biazar : 1) The existing shared driveway must remained a shared driveway and any changes will have to be coordinated by both owners 09:35:15 From Shahab Biazar : 2) check with PNM on the services 09:35:32 From Shahab Biazar : 3) Check on the firewall requirements 09:35:49 From Hannah Aulick : PR-2024-009922 Planning Conditions of approval: - Application number must be added to the Final Plat. - The City’s AGIS office must approve the DXF file for the Final Plat. - The date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Final Plat. - Add in a signature line for Hydrology and take the word ‘DRB Chairperson’ off from the Planning Department signature line. - A legible plat signature sheet must be submitted to the DHO. 09:36:30 From Angela Gomez : Item #1_PR-2024-009922 has been approved. 09:40:08 From Angela Gomez : The current case being reviewed is item #2_PR-2019-002668 located at 4000 Ellison Drive NE 09:48:35 From Robert Webb : --The Project and Application numbers must be added to the plat before final sign-off. --A copy of the AGIS-approved DXF file must be submitted before final sign-off. --The date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Plat, per 6-6(L)(2)(d)(7) of the IDO. 09:49:58 From Angela Gomez : Item #2_PR-2019-002668 has been approved. 09:51:25 From Angela Gomez : Item #3_PR-2021-005479 has been deferred to October 30th, 2024. 09:51:44 From Angela Gomez : The current case being reviewed is item #4_PR-2021-005714 located at 4000 2nd St NW 09:58:36 From Jeff Palmer : Code Enforcement comment and finding: 09:58:40 From Jeff Palmer : 1. Code Enforcement has no objection to the proposed replat action, with the finding that no further development may occur until a prior-approved EPC plan for development has been obtained. 09:59:24 From David Gutierrez : Conditions for the Water Authority: Add the following note to the plat - "Existing public water and/or sanitary sewer infrastructure may not be constructed or sized to adequately serve potential future development. Improvement or upsizing of existing public infrastructure may be required as a condition of future development approval." 10:01:45 From Ernest Armijo : Conditions for Transportation. New sidewalks need to be placed on an infrastructure list and financially guaranteed 10:07:43 From Jay Rodenbeck : 1. An Infrastructure List must be submitted for the required public infrastructure. 2. A recorded Infrastructure Improvements Agreement (IIA) and approved Financial Guaranty based on the Infrastructure List must be submitted. 3. DXF approval from AGIS must be obtained and submitted. 4. The application number must be added to the Plat. 5. The date of DHO approval must be added to the Plat. 10:08:03 From Angela Gomez : Item #4_PR-2021-005714 has been approved. 10:09:37 From Jolene Wolfley : The 'finding' from Code Enforcement should also be approved by the DHO.