09:09:22 From Angela Gomez : The application currently being reviewed is item #1_PR-2018-001499 located on McMahon between McMahon Blvd and Universe Blvd. 09:18:46 From David Gutierrez : Water Authority Conditions: The Water Authority needs all required infrastructure mentioned in the Development Agreement (R-24-17) to be placed on an infrastructure list and financial guarantee or construction of the infrastructure completed prior to final sign off of the plat. 09:19:50 From Anthony Montoya : Hydrology has a preliminary approved Concept Grading and Drainage Plan dated 08/23/2024 (Hydrotrans No. A10D002G) with engineer’s stamp dated 08/23/2024. 09:20:03 From Anthony Montoya : An approved Grading and Drainage plan is required prior to Grading Permit or Building Permit if one of these conditions is met: (500 cy of grading, 1,000 sf of proposed building, or 10,000 sf of proposed paving). 09:20:18 From Anthony Montoya : The infrastructure list will be needed for Preliminary Plat for offsite improvements. 09:20:28 From Anthony Montoya : A recorded SIA is required prior to Final Plat 09:20:51 From Anthony Montoya : Add a Cross Lot Drainage Easement note specifying the beneficiary and maintenance agreement. 09:21:02 From Anthony Montoya : Add a Public Drainage Easement over the Storm Water Quality Pond at the NE portion of the site 09:21:11 From Anthony Montoya : Since this project drains into an Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo and Flood Control Authority (AMAFCA) facility, approval by AMAFCA for the Grading and Drainage Plan will be needed prior to Hydrology approval of Building Permit, Grading Permit, and SO19/Work Order Permit. Please contact Jared Romero P.E, CFM (jromero@amafca.org or 505-884-2215) 09:24:22 From Robert Webb : Prior to final sign-off: --The Project and Application numbers must be added to the plat. --A copy of the AGIS-approved DXF file must be submitted. --Per 6-6(L)(2)(d)(7) of the IDO, the date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Plat. --Proof of completed Zone Map Amendment-EPC resolving remaining R-1B lot. 09:26:57 From Ernest Armijo : Infrastructure for Westside including half roadway construction fronting property, curb, gutter, 5' sidewalk and 4 to6 foot landscape buffer needs to be added to infrastructure list. 09:29:19 From Angela Gomez : Item #1_PR-2018-001499 is aproved 09:33:00 From Angela Gomez : Item #2_PR-2021-005479 has been deferred to December 18, 2024 09:33:13 From Angela Gomez : The application currently being reviewed is item #3_PR-2024-010039 located at 1924 Leon Ct NW 09:45:48 From Angela Gomez : Item #3_PR-2024-010039 is approved. 09:46:48 From Angela Gomez : The application currently being reviewed is item #4_PR-2024-010784 located at 7200 Central Ave SE 09:51:50 From Robert Webb : Prior to final sign-off: --The Project and Application numbers must be added to the plat. --A copy of the AGIS-approved DXF file must be submitted. --Per 6-6(L)(2)(d)(7) of the IDO, the date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Plat. 09:52:40 From Angela Gomez : Item #4_PR-2024-010784 is approved 09:55:00 From Angela Gomez : The application currently being reviewed is item #5_PR-2023-009637 located at 5909 Westward LN NW & 4815 Northern Trail NW 10:07:45 From Angela Gomez : Item #5_PR-2023-009637 is approved 10:09:53 From Angela Gomez : The application currently being reviewed is item #6_PR-2023-009637 (Plat) located at 5909 Westward LN NW & 4815 Norther Trail NW 10:17:01 From Marcelo Ibarra-COA Planning : Prior to final sign off - Application number must be added to all documents. The date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Plat. Therefore, prior to final sign-off of the Plat, the date of the DHO approval must be added to the plat. 10:18:49 From Angela Gomez : Item #6_PR-2023-009637 (plat) is approved 10:23:52 From Angela Gomez : The application currently being reviewed is item #7_PR-2023-009216 located on Amole Mesa Rd SW between 98th ST and Vermejo Dr Park 10:40:00 From David Gutierrez : Water Authority Condition: Confirmation of the waterline along the eastern property boundary is required to ensure the line is not within the subject site. Depending on the findings of the location of the waterline, additional easement may be necessary to be added to the plat prior to final sign off. 10:40:41 From Robert Webb : Prior to final sign-off: --The Project and Application numbers must be added to the plat. --A copy of the AGIS-approved DXF file must be submitted. --Per 6-6(L)(2)(d)(7) of the IDO, the date of the DHO approval shall be recorded on the Plat. 10:43:21 From Angela Gomez : Item #7_PR-2023-009216 is approved 10:45:25 From Angela Gomez : The application currently being reviewed is item #8_PR-2019-003169 located on Sage Rd NW 10:50:41 From David Gutierrez : Water Authority Condition: Addition of the general Water Authority easement language to be added to the plat cover and remove the dimension of the waterline easement and note it is a blanket easement on Tract D. 10:53:21 From Jay Rodenbeck : Planning condition: Easement #3 must be removed from Tract D. The application number must be corrected. The AGIS DXF file must be submitted. the date of DHO approval must be added to the Plat. 10:53:38 From Angela Gomez : item #8_PR-2019-003169 is approved