09:11:53 From Eleanor Walther : which items have been deferred? 09:12:40 From maggie gould : Item 7 and 15 09:14:41 From Angela Gomez : We are on item #1, PR-2021-005492 09:17:12 From Angela Gomez : If you wish to speak on this case, please raise your hand. If you are calling in, press *9. 09:27:11 From Angela Gomez : Item 2 has been deferred to November 17th. 09:27:55 From Angela Gomez : The current case is item #3, PR-2020-004284. 09:28:37 From Angela Gomez : If you wish to speak on this case, please raise your hand. If you are calling in, press *9. 09:29:22 From Katie Stone : Is there a way to see this map as a PDF attachment? It’s hard to read as a Zoom screen share. 09:30:43 From Katie Stone : Not Found The requested URL /government/planning/DRB/PR-2020-004284/PR-2020-004284_Oct_27_2021/Application/ was not found on this server. 09:30:48 From Eleanor Walther : its\ said I didn't have permission to open the file 09:30:51 From Katie Stone : The link is broken on the agenda. 09:32:05 From maggie gould : I can send the file to anyone who would like it 09:32:16 From Katie Stone : I would like it please: katie@stone.com thank you! 09:32:32 From Peggy Neff : Has this project been reviewed in regard to 'protecting the community'? This was a new purpose that was added to the IDO last year. I understand that metrics were to be created, but I'm not clear on the process for a site plan to be reviewed against these metrics. So two questions, are there metrics for this review and which body if not DRB (which I understand does not have this as their current role) will be affecting such a review? 09:32:47 From Eleanor Walther : please send it to eawalth@comcast.net 09:37:14 From Angela Gomez : If you wish to speak on this case, please raise your hand. If you are calling in, press *9. 09:41:49 From Katie Stone : Thank you for this information, Mr. Bohannan. I have not observed the signage you refer to, but I may have missed it. Kindly reach out! My info is katie@stone.com 09:49:10 From Peggy Neff : So I still have the question regarding a review of protecting community? 09:50:33 From Angela Gomez : Item #3 has been deferred to November 10th. 09:52:54 From Angela Gomez : The current case is item #4, PR-2021-004968 09:57:38 From Angela Gomez : If you wish to speak on this case, please raise your hand. If you are calling in, press *9. 10:17:32 From Angela Gomez : The current case is item #5, PR-2021-005573 10:19:08 From Angela Gomez : If you wish to speak on this case, please raise your hand. If you are calling in, press *9. 10:27:03 From Angela Gomez : Item #5 has been deferred to November 17th. 10:27:25 From Angela Gomez : The current case is item #6, PR-2021-005573 10:29:39 From Angela Gomez : If you wish to speak on this case, please raise your hand. If you are calling in, press *9. 10:39:18 From Angela Gomez : Item #6 has been deferred to November 17th 10:40:01 From Angela Gomez : Item #7 has been deferred to November 17th. 10:40:23 From Angela Gomez : The current case is item #8, PR-2021-005566. 10:43:17 From Angela Gomez : If you wish to speak on this case, please raise your hand. If you are calling in, press *9. 11:04:39 From Angela Gomez : Item #8 has been deferred to follow item #16. 11:21:20 From Angela Gomez : The current case is item #9, PR-2021-005717 11:23:25 From Angela Gomez : If you wish to speak on this case, please raise your hand. If you are calling in, press *9. 11:30:08 From Angela Gomez : Item #9, PR-2021-005717 is deferred to December 1st, 11:30:41 From Angela Gomez : The current case is item #10, PR-2020-003688 11:32:52 From Angela Gomez : If you wish to speak on this case, please raise your hand. If you are calling in, press *9. 11:51:40 From Angela Gomez : Item #10, PR-2020-003688 is deferred to November 17th. 11:53:04 From Angela Gomez : The current case is item #11, PR-2021-005442 11:54:30 From Angela Gomez : If you wish to speak on this case, please raise your hand. If you are calling in, press *9. 12:25:26 From Angela Gomez : Item #11, PR-2021-005442 is deferred to November 10th, 12:26:06 From Angela Gomez : The current case is item #12, PR-2020-003847 12:28:25 From Angela Gomez : If you wish to speak on this case, please raise your hand. If you are calling in, press *9. 13:00:35 From Angela Gomez : Item #12 PR-2020-003847 is deferred to November 17th. 13:02:12 From Angela Gomez : The current case is item #13, PR-2019-03037 13:03:11 From Angela Gomez : If you wish to speak on this case, please raise your hand. If you are calling in, press *9. 13:05:15 From Angela Gomez : Item #13, PR-2019-003037 is approved. 13:06:03 From Angela Gomez : The current case is item #14, PR-2021-005821 13:07:15 From Angela Gomez : If you wish to speak on this case, please raise your hand. If you are calling in, press *9. 13:10:29 From Angela Gomez : Item #14, PR-2021-005821 is approved. 13:32:55 From Angela Gomez : The current case is item #16, PR-2020-003309 13:33:49 From Angela Gomez : If you wish to speak on this case, please raise your hand. If you are calling in, press *9. 13:38:50 From Angela Gomez : Item # 16, PR-2020-003309 is approved. 13:41:56 From Angela Gomez : Item #8 is the current case being heard, having been deferred from earlier in the agenda. 13:57:56 From Angela Gomez : Item #8 PR-2021-005566 has been approved. 13:58:27 From Angela Gomez : The current case is item #17, PR-2021-006146 14:04:23 From Angela Gomez : The current case is item #18, PR-2021-006147 14:09:25 From Angela Gomez : Item # 19 has been withdrawn by the applicant. 14:09:34 From Angela Gomez : The current case is item #20, PR-2020-003484. 14:19:57 From Angela Gomez : Action Sheet minutes for October 27th, 2021 have been approved.