09:13:56 From Angela Gomez : If you ‘d like to speak on this case, you may raise your hand in zoom by hovering at the bottom of your screen, clicking on reactions, and clicking on the raise your hand option. 09:17:04 From Angela Gomez : The current cases being heard are items 1 and 2, PR-2021-006258.. 09:24:09 From Angela Gomez : Items 1 and 2 have been deferred to March 9th. 09:25:18 From Angela Gomez : Item #3, PR-2021-006336 has been deferred to March 9th. 09:25:36 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is item #4, PR-2022-006547. 09:27:35 From Robert Webb : If you ‘d like to speak on this case, you may raise your hand in zoom by hovering at the bottom of your screen, clicking on reactions, and clicking on the raise your hand option. 09:54:51 From Angela Gomez : Item # 4, PR-2022-006547 has been deferred to April 6th, 2022. 09:55:38 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is item #5, PR-2019-003021. 09:56:14 From Robert Webb : If you ‘d like to speak on this case, you may raise your hand in zoom by hovering at the bottom of your screen, clicking on reactions, and clicking on the raise your hand option. 10:15:14 From Angela Gomez : Item #5, PR-2019-003021 has been deferred to March 30th, 2022. 10:15:47 From Angela Gomez : Item # 6, PR-2020-003688 has been deferred to April 6th, 2022. 10:18:33 From Angela Gomez : The current cases being heard are items 7 and 8, PR-2021-005573. 10:18:50 From Robert Webb : If you ‘d like to speak on this case, you may raise your hand in zoom by hovering at the bottom of your screen, clicking on reactions, and clicking on the raise your hand option. 10:34:22 From Blaine Carter : Delegation to WUA on site plan for 8 weeks for: Submittal of revised entrace detail at the Water Authority Access Easement to existing Mesa del Sol Reservoir, Submittal of revised utility plan, paper easements, and other documents and/or agreements as necessary to ensure compliance with WUA requirement for separate services on separate platted parcels 10:40:49 From Will Gleason D/P/S : On behalf of the project team, a big thank you to all of you on the DRB and your staff for approval of this site plan and preliminary plat. You all really worked collaboratively to get this important project one step closer to reality. Thank you! 10:42:00 From Angela Gomez : Item # 7, PR-2021-005573 is approved. 10:43:19 From Angela Gomez : For item 8, PR-2021-005573, the applicant has withdrawn the vacations for: SD-2021-00180 - vacation of private easement for private access-abcwua, and SD-2021-00181 - vacation of private easement for private access-abcwua. All other actions have been approved. 10:44:56 From Robert Webb : If you ‘d like to speak on this case, you may raise your hand in zoom by hovering at the bottom of your screen, clicking on reactions, and clicking on the raise your hand option. 10:47:40 From Angela Gomez : The current case is #9, PR-2021-005628. 10:55:14 From Angela Gomez : Item #9, PR-2021-005628 is deferred to March 9th, 2022. 11:17:17 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is Item #11, PR-2018-001398. 11:18:06 From Angela Gomez : If you ‘d like to speak on this case, you may raise your hand in zoom by hovering at the bottom of your screen, clicking on reactions, and clicking on the raise your hand option. 11:29:18 From Angela Gomez : Item #11, PR-2018-001398 is deferred to March 16th, 2022. 11:30:49 From Angela Gomez : Item #12, PR-2019-003092 is deferred to March 9th, 2022. 11:31:23 From Angela Gomez : Item #13, PR-2022-006630 is deferred to March 16th, 2022. 11:32:24 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is #14, PR-2020-004215 11:32:30 From Angela Gomez : If you ‘d like to speak on this case, you may raise your hand in zoom by hovering at the bottom of your screen, clicking on reactions, and clicking on the raise your hand option. 11:41:04 From Angela Gomez : Item #14, PR-2020-004215 is deferred to March 16th, 2022. 11:41:34 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is #15, PR-2021-006130. 11:43:08 From Angela Gomez : If you ‘d like to speak on this case, you may raise your hand in zoom by hovering at the bottom of your screen, clicking on reactions, and clicking on the raise your hand option. 11:51:34 From Angela Gomez : Item #15, PR-2021-006130 is deferred to March 16th, 2022. 11:52:06 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is #16, PR-2021-005009. 11:53:03 From Robert Webb : If you ‘d like to speak on this case, you may raise your hand in zoom by hovering at the bottom of your screen, clicking on reactions, and clicking on the raise your hand option. 12:00:29 From Angela Gomez : Item #16, PR-2021-005009 is deferred to March 16th, 2022. 12:01:00 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is #17, PR-2021-005864. 12:03:36 From Angela Gomez : If you ‘d like to speak on this case, you may raise your hand in zoom by hovering at the bottom of your screen, clicking on reactions, and clicking on the raise your hand option. 12:03:37 From Robert Webb : If you ‘d like to speak on this case, you may raise your hand in zoom by hovering at the bottom of your screen, clicking on reactions, and clicking on the raise your hand option. 12:05:58 From Angela Gomez : Item #17, PR-2021-005864 is approved. 12:07:04 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is #18, PR-2021-006216. 12:08:13 From Angela Gomez : If you ‘d like to speak on this case, you may raise your hand in zoom by hovering at the bottom of your screen, clicking on reactions, and clicking on the raise your hand option. 12:12:24 From Angela Gomez : Item #18, PR-2021-006216 is approved. 12:13:19 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is #19, PR-2022-006627. 12:22:22 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is #20, PR-2019-002981. 12:33:54 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is #21, PR-2020-004370. 12:34:52 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is #22, PR-2022-006614. 12:39:55 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is #23, PR-2022-006657.