13:37:17 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is item # 4, PR-2019-003092. 13:41:19 From Angela Gomez : If you wish to speak on this case, you may raise your hand in zoom by hovering at the bottom of your screen, clicking on reactions, and clicking on the raise your hand option. 13:47:23 From Angela Gomez : Item # 4, PR-2019-003092 has been approved. 13:48:17 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is item # 7, PR-2019-002874. 13:52:13 From Angela Gomez : If you wish to speak on this case, you may raise your hand in zoom by hovering at the bottom of your screen, clicking on reactions, and clicking on the raise your hand option. 13:56:55 From Angela Gomez : Item #7, PR-2019-002874 has been approved. 13:58:04 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is item # 9, PR-2022-006847. 14:09:10 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is item # 9, PR-2022-006841. 14:11:54 From Angela Gomez : Correction: item # 10, PR-2022-006841. 14:28:47 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is item # 11, PR-2022-006844. 14:46:33 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is item # 11, PR-2022-006846. 14:58:05 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is item # 13, PR-2022-006843. 15:13:33 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is item # 14, PR-2022-006859. 15:15:03 From Angela Gomez : The current case being heard is item # 15, PR-2022-006836.