09:04:23 From Paul Wever : sounds good 09:18:19 From Xiaoya Wu : I never received a mailed notice. Please provide evidence that you mail public notices to property owners within 100 feet 09:28:57 From Eva Angeli : My understanding is that there are 93 apartments. If there are only 150 parking spaces, where will the other occupants park? I assume most apartments will be at least couples, and realistically families with teenagers who move here for the high school access 09:30:45 From Sue Andrews : Any consideration given for noise buffering? 09:45:04 From Dennis Starner : Please help me understand why a traffic impact study is not required when adding 150 parking spaces to such a confined area! 10:02:26 From Xiaoya Wu : With 93 units cramped on a 2.9 acres lot, the density of this development is 32 dwelling units/acre. The Tierra Morena neighborhood, abutting the subject property on its south lot line, has a density of 6 dwelling units/acre. The section of Nor Este neighborhood directly west of the subject property has a density of 5 dwelling units/acre. The neighborhood directly north of the subject property has a density of 3 dwelling units/acre. Dwelling units/acre is such an important measurement that is widely used to determine housing density, yet the IDO did not specify dwelling units/acre as part of the land use requirement. 10:04:08 From Xiaoya Wu : One of the older Albuquerque city zoning codes, R-2, describes low-density apartment may not exceed 20 dwelling units/acre and medium-density apartments may not exceed 30 dwelling units/acre. Many cities and counties in the U.S. refer to a 10 or less DU/AC as low density while Albuquerque's current IDO allows 32 DU/AC apartment complexes to be built on a LOW-INTENSITY zone. Why is the current IDO so afraid of listing DU/AC requirements for a LOW-INTENSITY zone? Is the current IDO systematically favoring high-density multi-family dwellings? 10:04:31 From Tom Anderson : Similarly, if it is zoned MX-L, that seems incompatible with medium density apartment complex. I did not hear that discrepancy addressed.