- /DRB/PR-2024-011232/DHO_Submittals/PR-2024-011232_VAC-2023-00001_February_12_2025 (VPE)/

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2/5/2025 5:19 PM 96935 ABQ Plan Application.pdf
2/5/2025 4:43 PM 5351175 Copy of Document which Created the Easement-2025-01-31-Ordinance 1197_v1.pdf
2/5/2025 4:43 PM 916706 Copy of the Latest Recorded Plat-2025-01-31-EXC-11-PLAT-D1_104 105 (1)_v1.pdf
2/5/2025 4:43 PM 360571 Exhibits Clearly Showing Vacated Area-2025-01-31-24-0519 ALTA_marked up_v1.pdf
2/5/2025 4:43 PM 138826 Justification Letter-2025-01-31-9720 Candelaria RD PD Properties - DHO Meeting Justification Letter_v1.pdf
2/5/2025 4:43 PM 106765 Other-Misc Documents-2025-01-31-7 - Hydro_PR-2024-011232_12-11-2024_DFT Sketch Plat_v1.pdf
2/5/2025 4:43 PM 120603 Other-Misc Documents-2025-01-31-7-PRD_PR-2024-011232_DFT-12.11.2024_v1.pdf
2/5/2025 4:43 PM 96652 Other-Misc Documents-2025-01-31-7-Trans_2024-011232_Sketch_11-20-2024_v1.pdf
2/5/2025 4:43 PM 283679 Other-Misc Documents-2025-01-31-7_PLN_PR-2024-011232_12-11-24_DFT_v1.pdf
2/5/2025 4:43 PM 71073 Other-Misc Documents-2025-01-31-7_WUA_20241211_PR-2024-011232_v1.pdf
2/5/2025 4:43 PM 438171 Other-Misc Documents-2025-01-31-Hydrology Signed_Form PLT-9720 Candelaria NE_v1.pdf
2/5/2025 4:43 PM 242720 Other-Misc Documents-2025-01-31-Water Authority_Form PLT_Signed_v1.pdf
2/5/2025 4:43 PM 7919858 Proof of Sketch Plat-2025-01-31-DFT Application_9720 Candelaria Rd_v1.pdf
2/5/2025 4:43 PM 497744 Zone Atlas Page-2025-01-31-Zone Atlas Page_v1.PDF