- /DRB/PR-2022-006844/Email/
[To Parent Directory]
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 149080 1701 Central - 6-11-24.pdf
11/14/2024 2:42 PM 127493 2024-1114-Request for Withdrawal_BP-2024-10295.pdf
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 613888 Building PermitSite Plan Administrative Application Status Update at 1701 Central Ave. NW - 3-25-24.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 858624 Building PermitSite Plan Administrative Application Status Update at 1701 Central Ave. NW - 7-18-24.msg
11/14/2024 4:04 PM 4491776 Carol Johnsons City Council Comments.msg
11/14/2024 4:04 PM 4690944 City Council comments Martin Vigil.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 11304960 Displinary action - 4-17-24.msg
3/10/2022 3:03 PM <dir> DRB Email
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 115369 Edward_Garcia_CO_Carol_Johnson_Letter_1623-1701_Central - 9-9-22.pdf
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 4143104 Ethics Complaint. CCP contributing to heavy flooding on Central Ave 7-1-24.msg
11/14/2024 4:21 PM 813568 FW 1701 Central Ave Request for withdrawal.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 2261504 FW Appeal application - 7-25-24.msg
8/28/2024 11:19 AM 7636480 FW Failure to Secure Property - 4-21-23.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 40960 FW The Pearl apt development complex - 7-13-23.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 11299328 FW The Pearl Project - 3-5-24.msg
8/28/2024 11:19 AM 86528 FW Traffic Imact Study Request - 5-23-23.msg
8/28/2024 11:19 AM 177664 FW Traffic Impact AnalysisStudy - 7-17-23.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 65536 FW Update regarding Pearl Project - 2-14-24.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 5592064 FW_ 1701 Central Ave_ Sketch Plat Submittal - 4-11-22.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 180053 Fw_ License confirmation error - 4-4-24.pdf
11/14/2024 9:57 AM 158911 FW_ New plans.pdf
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 11805184 Jay Rembe's development 1701 Central (flooding on Central Ave) - 5-20-24.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 68096 Mr. Rembe's Pearl 34-unit apartment complex proposal - 7-15-23.msg
8/28/2024 11:19 AM 126464 Neighborhood concern - 9-14-23.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 137287 Preservation of Evidence - 4-19-24.pdf
8/20/2024 8:03 PM 127488 Project on central - 5-11-23.msg
10/31/2024 2:56 PM 132653 Question regarding communication for appeal (AC-24-20, AC-24-21, AC-24-22, AC-24-23, AC-24-24).pdf
8/20/2024 8:04 PM 154624 RE 1623 Central (2) - 6-16-22.msg
8/28/2024 11:18 AM 115712 RE 1623 Central 6-16-22.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 12771840 Re Building PermitSite Plan Administrative Application Status Update at 1701 Central Ave. NW - 3-30-24.msg
8/20/2024 8:05 PM 167424 RE Formal Notice (2) - 8-9-22.msg
8/28/2024 11:18 AM 149504 RE Formal Notice - 8-9-22.msg
8/20/2024 8:06 PM 166400 RE Front Fence substandard construction materialsmethods (2) - 8-23-22.msg
8/28/2024 11:18 AM 147456 RE Front Fence substandard construction materialsmethods - 8-23-22.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 261632 Re Mediation Request 3-31-24.msg
8/28/2024 11:18 AM 60416 RE Project on central - 5-10-23.msg
8/20/2024 8:06 PM 87040 RE Project on central1 - 5-10-23.msg
8/28/2024 11:20 AM 97792 Re Project on central_1 - 5-11-23.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 11426304 Re The Pearl Project - 3-5-24.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 244736 RE The Pearl Project_2 - 3-5-24.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 339968 Re The Pearl Project_3 - 3-8-24.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 285696 Re The Pearl Project_4 - 3-9-24.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 193536 RE The Pearl Project_5 - 1-9-24.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 157184 Re Traffic Impact AnalysisStudy - 7-17-23.msg
8/28/2024 11:18 AM 105984 RE update - 9-14-23.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 128512 RE Update regarding Pearl Project - 2-14-24.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 138240 RE Update regarding Pearl Project_2 - 2-14-24.msg
8/20/2024 8:10 PM 111104 RE Update Rembe project - 9-26-22.msg
11/14/2024 4:25 PM 251764 RE_ 1701 Central Ave_ Request for withdrawal.pdf
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 242124 Re_ Building Permit_Site Plan Administrative Application Status Update at 1701 Central Ave. NW - 3-25-24.pdf
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 260949 Re_ Building Permit_Site Plan Administrative Application Status Update at 1701 Central Ave. NW - 3-27-24.pdf
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 256443 RE_ Building Permit_Site Plan Administrative Application Status Update at 1701 Central Ave. NW_1 - 3-29-24.pdf
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 323323 RE_ Building Permit_Site Plan Administrative Application Status Update at 1701 Central Ave. NW_2 - 3-29-24.pdf
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 243647 RE_ Building Permit_Site Plan Administrative Application Status Update at 1701 Central Ave. NW_4 - 4-2-24.pdf
11/14/2024 4:22 PM 239879 RE_ Carol Johnsons City Council Comments.pdf
11/14/2024 4:22 PM 239535 RE_ City Council comments Martin Vigil.pdf
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 236125 Re_ Communication_Update - 5-8-24.pdf
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 215091 Re_ Communication_Update_1 - 5-9-24.pdf
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 411359 RE_ Communication_Update_2 - 5-20-24.pdf
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 287098 RE_ Mediation Request - 3-18-24.pdf
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 227424 Re_ The Pearl Project 1-9-24.pdf
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 51200 Rembe's apartment complex The Pearl on West Central - 7-17-23.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 13192192 Response to 3824 email (Traffic Study) - 4-30-24.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 132363 Site Plan Building Permit approval - 5-1-24.pdf
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 667401 SKM_C554e22062911330 - 6-28-22.pdf
8/28/2024 11:18 AM 12036608 Submittal documentation - 5-23-23.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 138684 The Case file is missing pertinent documents - 4-4-24.pdf
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 43520 The Pearl Apt Development Complex - 7-14-23.msg
8/28/2024 11:18 AM 203264 Traffic Imact Study Request - 5-23-23.msg
8/28/2024 11:18 AM 114176 Traffic Impact AnalysisStudy - 7-11-23.msg
8/28/2024 11:18 AM 97280 update - 9-11-23.msg
11/14/2024 5:38 PM 1047040 Withdrawal Notification of AC-24-20 21 22 23 and 24.msg
8/28/2024 3:54 PM 173147 ZEO interpretation - 5-8-24.pdf