- /DRB/PR-2018-001470/DRB Submittals/PR-2018-001470_Sep_12_2018 (Site Plan)/Application/Individual documents view/

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8/21/2018 4:03 PM 177630 1727 (PRT) MEETING REQUEST 080618.pdf
8/21/2018 4:03 PM 44577 1727 - Dicome - DRB SUMMARY.pdf
8/21/2018 4:03 PM 243350 1727 development-review-application 071718.pdf
8/21/2018 4:03 PM 49054 1727 DSJ agent letter from IPMI.pdf
8/29/2018 12:56 PM 53222 1727 meeting notes 081418 v2.pdf
8/21/2018 4:03 PM 149636 1727 NNV Letters to neighborhood.pdf
8/21/2018 4:03 PM 4224138 180817 Proof of Notification (Avanyu)).pdf
8/29/2018 12:55 PM 4224138 180817 Proof of Notification (Avanyu).pdf
8/29/2018 12:56 PM 24189 2018.03.14 Avanyu North - Meeting Minutes.pdf
8/21/2018 4:03 PM 699996 2500 12th St. NW - 8.5x11 - Scale in Feet (2).pdf
8/21/2018 4:03 PM 2596439 DRB SET.pdf
8/21/2018 4:03 PM 861979 H-13-Z.pdf
8/21/2018 4:03 PM 821374 PRT meeting notes.pdf
8/29/2018 12:56 PM 87863 Thought Board and charrette notes.pdf
8/29/2018 12:10 PM 13632 Vacation Authorization - Owner.Leger.pdf