- /DRB/PR-2018-001346/DRB Submittals/PR-2018-001346_Feb_16_2022 (Site Plan)/

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1/27/2022 5:40 PM 425089 1. Development Review Board Application.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 1062817 10. Landscape Plan.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 166149 11. Site Lighting Plan.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 2182926 12. Building Elevations.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 6303399 13. Building Mounted Signage.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 513642 14. Building Sections.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 401241 15. Floor Plans.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 7194085 16. Climatic Geo Responsiveness Form w Shade Analysis (FINAL).pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 5541127 17. ONC Pre-Submittal Neigh Meeting Request (EMAIL NOTIFICATION).pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 212303 18. ONC_Presubmittal Neigh Meeting Report_2021-11-17.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 688292 19. PR-2018-001346_Approved Development Site Plan.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 280309 2. Development Review Board Application Checklist.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 709268 20. ONC Neighborhood Meeting Inquiry Response.pdf
1/21/2022 2:20 PM 400127 2022-01-21 2nd DRB to City.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 5728306 21. Neigh Assoc Mtg Request Form_2021-10-19.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 18801 22. SignPostingAgreementForm1113.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 43245218 23. Prop Owner Notification
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 28908593 24. HOA Notification
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 66978 25. DRWS Form.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 690326 26. Application Receipt.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 510216 3. Zoning Atlas Map (C-18-Z).pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 103804 4. Letter of Authorization.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 3831044 5. Traffic Scoping Form.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 572805 6. Justification Letter.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 3246777 7. Site Plan.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 9394265 8. Grading and Drainage Plan.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 1401977 9. Utility Plan.pdf
1/27/2022 5:40 PM 235452 Sustainability Engineering SI-2022-00161.pdf